Hair & Beauty Magazine

Me, My Skin & Acne

By Jhilmil D Saha @jhilmildsaha
Being a beauty blogger, I have to maintain a strict skin care regime. Sometimes it is quite difficult as I require to test so many beauty products on the skin. Some of these skin care products may not be suitable for the skin and can actually give rise to some issues. At times I get whiteheads or rashes. And sometimes I may get pimples. This is the most difficult part of being a beauty blogger.
Me, My Skin & Acne
While testing a new product I make it sure that I read the ingredient list and try to figure out if there are any ingredient that may cause adverse effect on the skin. But it is not always possible to keep a check on the hidden ingredients that a product is made of. And often too much change in skin care products may lead to skin reaction, leading to the form of pimples.Pimples look quite odd on the face. No matter how much concealer, foundation or primer you put on face, it is very difficult to actually camouflage problem areas, affected by pimples. And worse is the after effect, where the affected area develops dark spots or sometimes may get some hollow marks. I get affected by this kind of situation. I have been very particular about my skin, so a small concern may actually arise as a big issue in my life.
This problem is persistent, so I get myself handy with all sorts of solution. However, it is not always that this so-called Messiahs of pimples may actually work. Sometimes I wonder if I get a single product that can not only get rid of the pimples but can actually deal with the after-effects and more precisely prevent the skin from further breakouts. Is there a permanent solution to get those ugly things away from my life forever?
I guess the solution has come. Garnier Pure Active Neem FaceWash is such a product that not only cures pimple but deep cleanses the skin to remove excess oil and dirt. The Neem leaf and Tea Tree oil extracts, present inside, actually works as an active disinfectant. The skin becomes fresh and devoid of any shine.
Me, My Skin & Acne
Neem is known for its excellent antiseptic properties and I believe any product, consisting a considerable amount of neem leaf extract will be equally effective to get rid of any impurities from the skin. Such is the positive traits of Tea tree oil also, that is known as a skin balancer and spot reducer. I have enough faith on Garnier Pure Active Neem Face Wash and would definitely like to try it for my skin to tackle its biggest enemy- pimples.
*This post is an entry to the ongoing Indiblogger contest by Garnier Pure Active Neem 
Me, My Skin & Acne

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