Hair & Beauty Magazine

Maybelline Vivid Lipstick in Pink Pop

By Brittneymarie02 @britmarie02
Maybelline Vivid Lipstick in Pink Pop

Good afternoon everyone! I have absolutely been loving the Maybelline Vivid collection that came out a little while ago. I wanted to do a post on my favorite one which is in the color Pink Pop. This is definitely not a color I would normally wear, but I decided to step out of my comfort zone and try it out! I am seriously loving this color and wear it all the time. I want to out and buy like 10 of them so I don't run out;)What I love most about this color is that it brings out blue/green eyes. It is a light pink that can be built up to give a more vibrant color. I also find this product moisturizing which is something I wasn't really expecting. 

Maybelline Vivid Lipstick in Pink Pop
Here is a photo with Maybelline Vivid Pink Pop on my lips. I applied about 2 strokes to the bottom and one to the top. You can definitely build it up or wear a little less is desired. 
Maybelline Vivid Lipstick in Pink PopThis product can be purchased at any drugstore and is $9.99. Not the cheapest drugstore lipstick but definitely still cheaper than a lot of other lipsticks with similar color and stay power. What are you favorite lipsticks from the Vivids collection?Thanks for reading!

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