Maybe you’re not an expert.
And, maybe that’s okay.
Maybe that’s great.
Maybe that’s actually better than being an “expert” (whatever that is…)
Some people beat themselves up because they feel a constant pressure to be “the best of the best”.
They convince themselves that they need another degree, more training, more experience… that they must be an absolute expert before they begin.
A lot of marketing folks out there claim that the more you toot your own horn, the better your career will get.
And, maybe that’s true.
But, there’s also another way.
There’s a way to market yourself, build your credibility, and pursue your every goal… without ever setting foot in “expert” territory.
There’s a way to communicate that resonates with readers, moves them, and brings you closer to your goals (without puffing yourself up, bragging, or doing anything else that feels gross).
There’s a way to champion your initiatives, bring awareness to your projects, and spread your ideas without knowing more, doing more, or being more than anybody else.
And, it requires only one thing.
Real, authentic, juicy, transparent honesty.
Just let us in, and we’ll follow you.
Be honest with us.
Take us on your journey.
Include us in your research, your quest for more knowledge, your path to becoming a leader…
Allow us the privilege of being next to you while you change the world.
You actually don’t need to be an “expert” to get people to listen to you.
You don’t need to be an “expert” to lead the masses.
You don’t need to be an “expert” to build something big and awesome.
You just need to share, start good conversations, show us who you are, and let us in on the magic.
Let us look over your shoulder as you solve problems, build companies, and progress through your career.
Teach us what you know.
Share your insights, your questions, and your breakthroughs.
And when you do reach those milestones, let us be the first to know.
Celebrate with us.
Deeply honor your achievements in every way.
Tell us about your incredible experiences, your triumphs, your big moments…
Let us witness your work unfold.
Treat us like friends.
Talk to us as such.
Be yourself, and let that be enough.
It is enough.
We love you.
Keep sharing.