Marketing & Advertising Magazine

May Salon Marketing Ideas: Summer Preparation!

Posted on the 24 April 2017 by Jennquinn

You’ve heard it before: ‘April showers bring May flowers!’ And we sure hope it does, given that wedding and festival season is just around the corner. May salon marketing ideas are particularly fun because of the wide variety of angles to choose from. Brands around the world will start hopping on the wagon of ‘getting in shape in time for swimsuit season,’ but did you know that May is also National Maternal Depression Awareness Month, National Mobility Awareness Month and so much more? So let’s have a look at a few marketing strategies you can use throughout the upcoming month.

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may salon marketing ideas

Make The Most Of These May Salon Marketing Ideas

may salon marketing ideas

Skin Cancer Awareness Month | May 1st-31st, 2017

On Social Media

Awareness Campaign: Raise awareness within your community with a month-long campaign. Create posters, graphics, and get in front of the camera for educational capsules!

On Your Salon’s Premises

Product Samples: Align your social media campaign efforts with some in-salon offers & promotions! Give SPF products samples away and talk about skin cancer awareness during client consultations. Even offer to pre-book a treatment before your customer’s holiday!

SMS & Email Marketing

Awareness Campaign: Similar to your social media campaign, raise awareness about the issue and link any treatments, products or offers within your messages.

Targeting Clients Going On Holidays: Are you a pro at taking notes? If so, perhaps you’ll know when some of your customers are going on vacation. Target these customers with a special sun prevention treatment 1-2 weeks before they head out of the country.

May Day Bank Holiday | May 1st, 2017

Special Promotions

Day Getaway: Think about what your customers could be doing on this bank holiday and what you could offer them. A short break offer or a spring/pre-summer themed menu?

may salon marketing ideas

Mother’s Day (In North America) | May 14th, 2017

Mother’s Day comes in March in Europe, but if you’re reading this from the US, we have quite a few marketing ideas for this holiday. People usually think of two things when thinking about Mother’s Day: flowers and chocolate. In the industry you’re in however, you’ve got the perfect alternative gift on hands: the gift of pampering and relaxation. Furthermore, a recent survey done with Mother’s found that 28% of them said their preferred gift to receive would be a salon/spa day. So the opportunity is ripe this year! Get inspired here!

Related | Download Mother’s Day Graphics & Voucher Designs

National Women’s Health Week | May 14-20th, 2017

On Social Media

Friendly competition: You could ask clients to track their steps, water intake or other healthy activities. Host the competition for a week and ask for photo proof of the achievement… Highest number wins a package, extra TreatCard points or a complimentary treatment. Don’t forget to use a branded hashtag for the competition!

Spread The Word: Ask clients to share their healthy-selfies and share some inspiring quotes! Create a hype and keep it going!

On Your Salon’s Premises

Hosting A Potluck: If you wished, you could set a day to arrange a healthy potluck or lunchtime salad bar for lunch break appointments.

Yoga Class For Staff: Simple enough, treat your staff and organise a free yoga (or Zumba) class for your employees during the week!

Related | Marketing To Mature Hair And Beauty Clients In The Digital Age

National Senior Health & Fitness Day | May 31st, 2017

On Social Media

Run A Sweepstakes: You could run a sweepstakes competition on Facebook or Instagram (like & share / like & comment) and offer an ‘x’ amount of packages redeemable when a client comes in with their grandmother or grandfather.

may salon marketing ideas

The Start Of Wedding Season

Weddings are a perfect opportunity for every salon/spa/nail businesses. These following May salon marketing ideas focus on using social media to engage customers, market your services and provide inspiration for looks!

Wedding Portfolio (Photobook)

You might not have all the photos you’d need to create a full photobook just yet. If that’s the case, start building a bank of the looks you create in preparation for later on in the year – around August, September. If you already have a bank of photos full of ‘wedding-inspired looks,’ then why not create a portfolio (photobook) and use it to promote your services in your salon and online? There are many companies that provide the tools you need to easily design them yourself (Blurb, Saal Digital, etc.) Something to think about 🙂

Oh, and in the Phorest May Marketing Toolkit, (download for free here), you’ll find some inspiration for Wedding Photobook Designs.

may salon marketing ideas

Integrate Flowers Into Your May Salon Marketing Ideas

Wedding season – but also festival season – calls for using flowers in your marketing. They could easily be showcased in your salon, or perhaps you could even reach out to a local florist and work out a seasonal partnership.

The Month Of Mobile: Setup/Promote Online Bookings

Let’s be honest now: if you’re not providing a mobile option for your clients in this day in age, you’ve really got to get up to speed. Being online – Facebook, Instagram, etc. – isn’t enough anymore.

With everyone’s lives getting more and more fast-paced, it’s important you provide your customers with alternative ways to book when they can’t ring or drop by your salon. As we’ve mentioned in a previous blog, salons that offer online bookings make more money than those who don’t.

Imagine poor Emma (fictional person) who has a last-minute hen party to go to and has only been told late at night. She needs to book in before the morning to make sure she’s all set for the big night out. Your salon is obviously closed at 10:30 PM, so she decides she’s going to book an appointment online… But you don’t offer that option! She turns to a different salon and becomes a regular client of theirs. Had you provided an ‘open 24/7′ option on multiple platforms, this wouldn’t have happened.

With wedding season kicking off and people going on holidays or attending festivals, let’s make May the month of mobile: website responsiveness, salon app, online booking, etc. With just a few clicks, you can increase revenue and customer satisfaction… so why miss out!?

may salon marketing ideas

Online Booking on Mobile with the Phorest Salon App

Related | 9 Super Easy Ways to Get People Visiting Your Salon Website and Booking Appointments

Not a Phorest client, but loving these May Salon Marketing Ideas? Request a demo of our software today and see how Phorest Salon Software can help you get your clients in back more often, spending more!

Thanks for reading,


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