Entertainment Magazine

Max Ginnel: Uncertain Confusion

Posted on the 19 February 2025 by Hctf @hctf
Max Ginnel

Max Ginnel loves the sound of Nineties Britpop - and Oasis in particular - and it shows on Uncertain Confusion, an album filled with home made demos that are quite endearing. Being on a shoestring budget has its perks: nobody tells you what to do and you are not on the clock in an expensive studio. The hits and misses can be send out to the world as is. There are plenty of good ideas on this DIY release. It could be better of course, but if it is shit to begin with, there is no way in Hell to turn it into something worthwhile.

He uses quite a bit of vocal effects to sound Liam Gallagher - quite frankly, the world really does not need another one - but the overdubbing of various guitar parts does show a lot of promise. Handling the percussion is not his forte however. It is basically a clicktrack, but surely there will be a friendly drummer out there who can fix that and get him to the next step.

Max Ginnel: Uncertain Confusion

Uncertain Confusion can be found on his Soundcloud page.

  1. Ginnel
  2. Better Days
  3. Electric
  4. No Need
  5. One Step
  6. Glasgow
  7. Here I Am
  8. The City
  9. Dizzy
  10. Made Of Iron
  11. Uncertain Confusion

» Max Ginnell on Bluesky

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