Question: I’ve been watching Once Upon A Time from the beginning, and I thought by now, we’d start to see some real movement towards the present-day fairy-tale folks realizing that something was amiss. But it seems to be dragging and dragging, and while the “fairy tale” portions are fun to watch, there’s nothing there that gives one hope that finally, someone other than Henry knows something’s amiss. It’s getting boring. Any tidbits as to when that might finally happen? - Holly
Matt Roush: We’re only 11 episodes into the first season (which didn’t even premiere until late October), which seems awfully early to be getting impatient for game-changers. Although I’ve felt from the start that the Storybrooke stories tend to pale next to what’s going on back in fabulous Fairy Tale Land. And judging from the questions I’ve been fielding lately, the entire convoluted premise of the town living under this curse has thrown lots of fans into a nit-picking frenzy. I won’t project what’s down the road because this isn’t a spoiler column, but your dissatisfaction with the present-day stuff seems more a reflection of the show’s overall unevenness – and I’m speaking here as someone who’s learned to enjoy the show – than a problem with pacing, because they’re actually breaking a fair amount of story from week to week. Just not the story you’d like to see being played out quite yet. But give it time. These are early days, and Once Upon a Time is going to be with us for a long time to come.