sir, why got dy/dt in the second differentiation in question 7(b)? we need to find rate for height right why dont we use the volume from 6(b) in term of h?
STPM 954 Math T Coursework 2013 [Sem 1] | Determinant
Hi. Please ask your friends or your teacher. No more questions about term 7 assignment will be answered as it is term 8 now. 🙂
Mathematics T Coursework 2012 Answers
Hi. I am teaching STPM Maths tuition at Ai Tuition at Jalan Petaling Kuala Lumpur and SS69 Subang Jaya. and Teras Usaha at Segambut
The answers for the t-totals maths coursework for gcse
Minimum value of the rate refers to the smallest value of the rate. And 5 is the value when y=69. Thats why the minimum value is 5. But i heard some teachers said there is no minimum value. Please confirm with your teacher. Thanks. 😀
Question 6
Initially the container is empty. Water is pumped into the container from the top at a constant rate of per hour.
View all the STPM past year answer and full solutions here. All the solutions are listed according to the year and papers.
The volume of the water in the container for y=5 is more than half of the container. Volume of water when y=5 is . You can obtain this value from part 6b. Btw when the y approaches 69, the rate is very low compared to 685. I have to think again. 😀
Question 7
In order to avoid overflow, a mechanism is now installed. This mechanism controls the water being pumped into the container at a rate of per hour, where k and n are positive constants.
The average 695 rate of flow is invalid as the dy/dt,the rate of increase of y, is not my opinion,the time taken to COMPLETELY fill up the container is infinite as the answer has shown the way, thank you sir for sharing these solutions, thank you very much
Sir question 6b and 6c the answer given by my teacher was v=Π/75[6576h-699h^7+66/8h^8
And for c) /h its her skema jawapan why the answer over here is different sir?
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