TV & Video Magazine

MASpencer Wants True Blood Episode 9, To Get Outta Her Dreams

Posted on the 25 August 2011 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

MASpencer Wants True Blood Episode 9, To Get Outta Her Dreams

Many thought True Blood Episode 9, “Let’s Get Out of Here”, wasn’t the best episode this season in many ways, besides the obviously cheesy fantasy Sookie had!

MASpencer Wants True Blood Episode 9, To Get Outta Her Dreams

This was good while it lasted! Credit:

MASpencer from the Sookieverseblog is up to her usual witty shenanigans again in this weeks’ recap!

This is just a teaser of what you’ll find when you head over there to read it!

Mind you, the dream had promising beginnings—Sookie wakes up to a knock on the door in red lingerie and hooker heels while surrounded by the warm glow of sunshine and Vaseline. It’s Eric, and he’s wearing leather and flashing heavage and ravishing her in the foyer before moving to the dining room table. You know, like one would expect from your average late-night Cinemax offering—all of which is about right.

And then Bill shows up. That’s when the talking starts… and my ladyboner is swiftly undermined by the flagrant abuse of all established canon unfolding before my eyes.

As usual, MASpencer captures the idiocy, blows it up into gigantic proportions and voices what most of us feel after watching that poorly executed excuse for a True Blood episode!

We only hope that TPTB (the powers that be) at True Blood have a chance to read it! ;)

If you’re up for a good laugh and want to share in a whole lotta ridicule…check it out!

You can read MASpencer’s recap here!

Thanks MAS! We couldn’t agree more!

What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? Share your thoughts below and/or over at the Sookieverseblog!

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