Gardening Magazine

Maskotka's Final Moments

By Mwillis
My views concerning the Tomato variety "Maskotka" are well known. It is without a doubt my favorite. The fruits are "large cherry" size, red when ripe, thin-skinned, and very, very tasty, with just the right balance of sweetness and acidity. This is a "determinate" type - in other words it grows as a low bush. I found the following explanation on the website GardenWeb:
"Determinate varieties of tomatoes, also called "bush" tomatoes, are varieties that are bred to grow to a compact height (approx. 4 feet).
They stop growing when fruit sets on the terminal or top bud, ripen all their crop at or near the same time (usually over a 2 week period), and then die.
They may require a limited amount of caging and/or staking for support, should NOT be pruned or "suckered" as it severely reduces the crop, and will perform relatively well in a container."

I should add that Maskotka is without a doubt one of the most untidy tomato varieties ever! I believe it was bred for growing in hanging baskets, so understandably it trails and sprawls all over the place. I usually support mine with some short canes and some string.
Maskotka's final moments
But it's also very prolific, and produces loads of fruit.
Maskotka's final moments
This year I have grown three plants of this variety, and they have done really well, but all good things come to an end some time, and last weekend I decided that Maskotka's time was up. The plants looked really tired and worn out.

Maskotka's final moments

There are two plants in the green plastic crate, and one in the black pot.

There were still some fruit on the plants, but many of them were on low-hanging branches, touching the ground.
Maskotka's final moments

Touching the ground is not good, because it makes the fruit very vulnerable to these horrible creatures:
Maskotka's final moments

Well, all the remaining foliage went into the compost bin, but I still managed to gather all these:
Maskotka's final moments

Of course many of them are still green, although just beginning to turn, so I think they will ripen eventually, kept indoors in the warmth.
So it's "Au Revoir", to Maskotka, rather than "Goodbye", because I'm sure I will be growing this tomato again next year.

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