Books Magazine

Masked Possession by Alana Delacroix @SDSXXTours @AlanaDelacroix

By Lauriej
Masked Possession by Alana Delacroix @SDSXXTours @AlanaDelacroix
Masked Possession by Alana Delacroix @SDSXXTours @AlanaDelacroixMASKED POSSESSION The Masked Arcana #1by Alana Delacroix Genre: Paranormal Romance

Pub Date: 8/8/2017

Masked Possession by Alana Delacroix @SDSXXTours @AlanaDelacroix

A Man Who Can Wear Any Face
Caro Yeats doesn’t run from much. As a former investigative reporter now
working PR for Toronto’s supernaturals, what she hasn’t seen
mostly isn’t worth seeing. But the assignment to “rebrand” Eric
Kelton’s out-of-control alter egos has her on edge from the start.
Kelton is the heirarch of the Masquerada, beings able to change their
face—their entire persona—on a whim. Eric’s charisma muddles
her instincts. How can she trust a man who can become anybody?

A Woman Without A Past

Eric has never met anyone like Caro, with her lightning wit and uncanny
insight. But desirable as she is, he’d be a fool to let her near.
Struggling to hide the sudden loss of his powers, Eric can’t risk
becoming entangled with a woman who scorns her supernatural side and
claims not to play politics. The enemies on her trail are strong,
clever, and vicious. And when they force Eric and Caro together, the
fallout could shatter far more than two hearts . . .

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Masked Possession by Alana Delacroix @SDSXXTours @AlanaDelacroix

Notforthefirsttime,shewonderedifshe’dmadetherightdecisionby takingthisjob.Thesupernaturalarcaneworldwasonethatshehadavoidedforyears.Nowshehaddeliberatelyplacedherselfinthedirectheartofit. Inside the drawer of her minimalist white acrylic desk layevidenceof herpastlife—abatteredenvelopecontainingasingleWashingtonPost newspaperclipping,thepagesstillcrisp.LynnButler’sfirstA1,over-the- fold story was an exclusive scoop tracing criminal kingpinFranzIversontoastringofillegalactivitiesthatreachedrighttotheMayor’sOfficeand even to the Senate.Everytimeshelookedatit,shefeltathrillthatwasimmediatelyfollowed by deep aches in the year-old scars that traced pale, jagged paths along her abdomen, chest and back. The doctor had said the pain might never completelysubside.Itwasamiracleshewasn’tdeadfromtheattack,he’d added. “I don’t understand how you didn’t bleed out from those wounds. You’re one luckywoman.”She rubbed her stomach with a shaking hand. The police had never caughtthemenwholeftherfordeadandshedidn’texpectthemto.There was no need. She knew exactly who had ordered thehit.

Not even incarceration had limited Franz Iverson’s reach,  or  his need for revenge.
Masked Possession by Alana Delacroix @SDSXXTours @AlanaDelacroixMasked Possession by Alana Delacroix @SDSXXTours @AlanaDelacroix
Alana Delacroix lives in a little house filled with books in Toronto,
Canada. She loves exploring the city, on the hunt for both the
perfect coffeeshop as well as ideal locations to set her paranormal
romances. A member of RWA, Alana worked as an archaeologist before
forging a slightly more stable career in corporate communications.
You can follow her at @AlanaDelacroix or learn more at

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