H A T S !
I l o v e h a t s !
She is gorgeous! Not only for the hats but also for her Tomboy-style.
Name: Marina Muñoz
Occupation: Stylist
Special Features: Always wearing a hat or some other type of head covering, such as a headband or hat.
Her Look: American Cowgirl meets Argentine tradition.
“I think I am a mix of gaucho chic Latina meets Jane March in The Lover. And my chicer side is a bit Angelica Houston, Charlotte Rampling or Meryl Streep in the 70′s and 80′s with a hint of Diane Keaton in Annie Hall.” (Marina)
( credit: Tales of Endearment )
In this NYTimes Briefing a bit more about her style.
Pictures from various blogs, all found and googled under this.