What a time to be alive. The whole world is in lock down.
Here I was thinking I'd be posting about all the fun things we've been up to, how wrong was I? Having said that, we've still had fun, just a different type of fun.
March was pretty quiet. I was still recovering from my ankle surgery so couldn't do much. I got the cast off on the 3rd of March which made things a little easier.
Chai turned nine on the 9th of March. Tiger was at work so we had a quiet day. Mum was here so we made a fuss of Chai. Poppy came to visit and we were planning to go out to lunch but Chai had a sore belly so we went to lunch the next day.
I got my moon boot off on the 25th of March and started physio, by which time the world was in lock down.
We had some wonderful news on the 27th, we learned that Tiger would no longer be fifo. The bad news is that was because he lost his job. Seven years of service and they didn't even bother to call him, just sent out a group email. Fuckers.
With our gym now being closed indefinitely Tiger converted the junk room/office into a home gym. Finding a space for all the junk that was in there was fun, but Tiger sorted it out.
Despite being in lock down we're maintaining contact with family via video calls, which is nice because it's so much better than a phone call.