Eco-Living Magazine

March Against Monsanto

Posted on the 31 May 2013 by 2ndgreenrevolution @2ndgreenrev

On Friday May 24th and Saturday May 25th many people (estimated to be 2 million) held protests across the world (50 countries) against Monsanto.  These protests were to show the local governments that not everyone supports Monsanto or agrees with their policies.  Monsanto is one of the biggest companies that has created and controls GMO seeds.  Recently the Monsanto Protection Act was passed and it is causing many people to distrust them even more.  The Monsanto Protection Act basically makes it legal for Monsanto to do as they please and the U.S. government’s approval.

I attended the Denver March Against Monsanto on Saturday.  It was located on the State Capitol steps with many speakers discussing why we need to fight against Monsanto.  A few hundred people attended the Denver march.  This march focused on how we need GMO labeling on our foods, research needs to be done on health impacts from GMOs, and how we can give our support to organics until these two things happen.  I didn’t stay long since it was hot, I had a two year old with me and it was close to nap time but it was very interesting being around all these people that were opposed to Monsanto.  I listened to two speakers while there and as they spoke many in the crowd cheered them on and booed at Monsanto’ wrong doings.

While I think it is important to protest against Monsanto we should also be protesting our senators and government that are allowing them to do as they please.  Monsanto is going to keep doing what it wants, when it wants, if our government allows it.  Regulations need to change and we need to stop giving Monsanto whatever they ask for (like the protection act).  Hopefully with labeling GMOs in food, this will help the issue.

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