Comic Books Magazine

March 4 Science 2018

Posted on the 02 April 2018 by Matteofarinella

New month, new science poster.

As many of you know, on April 14th (Earth day) scientists all over the world will march in the streets to celebrate/demand… it’s not quite clear what! The initiative, which started last year amongst much controversy, has still very confused goals and messaging.

In case there were any doubts, I’m all in favour of addressing the lack of diversity and the many other problems afflicting scientific research, but I still think that the M4S is fundamentally a good idea. It provides an opportunity for scientists and non-scientists to get out of their ivory towers,meet each other and share their passion with the rest of the world. My hope is that along the way some of them will also realize that ‘marching for science’ one day a year is not enough. If we want science to be funded and celebrated we  should actively work to make sure that our research is understood and used appropriately. That also means acknowledging that scientists are human beings and – whether we like it or not – our backgrounds, politics and other biases are all intertwined with our research. If you are interested in doing that I have some suggestions for you …but this a conversation for another day.

For now I hope you enjoy this the poster and join the march on April 14th 2018!

March 4 Science 2018

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