Philosophy Magazine

MAP: Master in Philosophy, USI Lugano

By Wuthrich

The MAP – the Master in Philosophy at USI, Lugano – is taught by philosophers from some of the most prestigious universities in the world. It has a clear focus on theoretical philosophy (especially metaphysics and the philosophy of mind), and on ancient and medieval philosophy.

The programme is research-oriented. It is designed to prepare students for doctoral programmes through its hands-on approach to theoretical philosophy and its history. Moreover, it requires students to produce regular written work and to receive feedback on it.

The master programme has a thematic unity. The topic of the 2019/20 master is time and existence, considered from different points of view, such as metaphysics, philosophy of physics, logic, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language and the history of philosophy. The detailed exploration of the philosophy of time and existence aims to provide a full grasp of two central and interrelated philosophical topics and an introduction to contemporary research in philosophy and in the history of philosophy.

Among the professors for the academic year 2019-200 are:

Achille Varzi (Columbia University)
Kit Fine (New York University)
Franz Berto (University of St. Andrews)
Anna Marmodoro (University of Oxford and Durham University)
Pasquale Porro (Paris, Sorbonne)
Peter Simons (Trinity College, Dublin)
Christian Wüthrich (University of Geneva)
John Marenbon (University of Cambridge)
Kevin Mulligan (USI and Geneva)

Teaching comprises lectures, master classes, discussion of presentations by students, group work, and discussions of papers produced by students.
The programme is supported by generous merit based scholarships, and five research student assistant positions available for the students of the MAP.

Further information at and
The coordinator of the programme can be reached at

Students who are interested in the programme can participate in some of the lectures during the current semester. Please contact the coordinator of the programme in order to arrange such visits.


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