Family Magazine

Mango Lassi Recipe for Babies and Kids

By Sangeetha

Have you tried mango lassi recipe for babies and kids?

Does the word mango lassi make you drool?

Mango Lassi Recipe for Babies and Kids

The king of fruits is in season now, why not try a yummy and delicious mango lassi for your family.

I grew up in Mumbai, and the favorite drinks from the Mumbai streets I always loved are the drinks made with mangoes.

It takes me back to the good old memories of childhood where our housing society had mango trees. We friends used to aim with a pebble and hit those mangoes. All those beautiful memories are associated with summer vacations.

There are many recipes I love with mangoes like mango ice-cream, mango smoothie, mango milkshake and the list goes on.

One of the easiest and yummy delicious drinks made with mangoes is Mango Lassi. Here in Doha the whether is scorching and mango smoothie/ lassi is one drink that I would love to have every day. Because this homemade mango lassi is all that you need to beat the heat.

I prepared mango lassi at home, as dear husband and kiddo loves anything from mango as I do. As I made this healthy lassi I clicked the step-by-step pictures so that I can share this recipe for mango lassi with you all.

Health benefits of mangoes:

Before we make any food for family, it is always good to know what are the benefits that we have from the main ingredient in that recipe.

Mangoes have amazing health benefits.

#1. Keeps blood pressure under control

Mangoes are rich in potassium and they are great remedy for blood pressure patients.

#2. Rich in vitamins

They are rich in vitamins like Vitamin B6, A, C, K.

#3. Weight gain

Mangoes are an excellent fruit for the people who want to have weight gain.

#4. Helps in digestion

The fibers present in mango aids in better digestion. It also contains enzymes that can help in breaking down the protein.

#5. Good for pregnant ladies

Have iron content and so mangoes are beneficial for pregnant ladies.

#6. Cures acne

Beneficial for healthy glowing skin, helps to clear acne and clogged pores.

#7. Promotes brain health

Vitamin B6 found in mangoes helps in the development of brain activity.

#8. Boosts the immune System

Mangoes have a good amount of vitamin C and A that can improve your immune system. The 25 different kinds of carotenoids present in mangoes also help to make your immune system strong.

Rich in Vitamin A, mangoes are excellent fruits for your eyes.

#10. Good source of potassium

Fresh mango is a good source of potassium

Read: When to introduce mangoes to your babies?

Mangoes can be introduced from 8 months.

While giving for the first time, try to introduce in form of thinned puree, then later on offer them in tiny small pieces if they have are comfortable chewing food.

Smoothies are an excellent way to incorporate fruits in your babies' diet. It is perfect for my kiddo who hates having mango in full form. So make smoothies or this lassi and they will slurp away the mango that is blended into creamy texture.

What is Indian lassi?

So what are we actually going to make now?


What is it?

Lassi is a popular traditional yoghurt-based drink and originates from Punjab. Lassi is made of yogurt, water, and spices and sometimes fruits are also added.

Traditional lassi can be sweet or a savory drink. It is sometimes flavored with nuts and roasted cumin too. Sweet lassi can contains sugar or fruits, instead of spices and salt.

Lassi is enjoyed chilled as hot-weather refreshment and are mostly taken with lunch or after heavy meals.

Health benefits of lassi:

Let's have a look on the health benefits of drinking lassi.

  • Yoghurt is full of calcium, protein, carbohydrates, vitamin A, and B
  • A glass full of lassi boosts energy
  • Lassi prevents dehydration and it is very delicious and yummy too.
  • Helps to reduce acidity in stomach
  • They are more easily digested and are a healthful addition to baby's diet.
  • Helps in preventing constipation
  • Beats heat
Varieties of lassi:

Lassi can be made in different ways.

This lassi is popular in North India, especially in Punjab. It is prepared by mixing yogurt with water and then adding sugar to taste.
When sugar is substituted with salt and other spices in the above recipe, we get traditional salt lassi.

Sweet lassi is a type of lassi made with sugar, rosewater and/or lemon and fruit juices. A variation, saffron lassi, is particularly rich and are common in Rajasthan and Gujarat.

Another is Makkhan lassi that has lumps of butter added in it and is creamy.

Chaas is a salted drink like lassi, which contains more quantity of water than in lassi. The butterfat will be removed while making chass and so its consistency is thin when compared to lassi. Salt and jeera (cumin seeds) is usually added in chass for taste.

Fresh coriander, ginger and green chilies may also be added to bring in more flavor and variety.

Chaas is popular in Gujarat and Rajasthan, where it is commonly consumed after meals. It helps in digestion and act as excellent coolant.

Step by step mango lassi recipe:

Mango lassi is creamy, luscious and a delicious drink from North India.

You can't go anywhere wrong in this recipe. All you need is ripped mangoes and some fresh yoghurt for a refreshing drink. Honey and cardamom are optional.

Mango Lassi Recipe for Babies and Kids

First select some ripe mangoes. Wash the mangoes well under running water. Peel the mango skin and cut into small pieces.

Mango Lassi Recipe for Babies and Kids

In a blender add in mangoes and blend well till it is a smooth puree.

Mango Lassi Recipe for Babies and Kids

Next add in yoghurt and a pinch of cardamom powder. Add in honey for sweetness if you feel that the lassi needs to be sweeter. Blend it into smooth puree till the ingredients are mixed.

Mango Lassi Recipe for Babies and Kids
Mango Lassi Recipe for Babies and Kids

You can add water to adjust the consistency if it is too thick.

Pour it into a glass and use chopped mangoes for garnishing.

Mango Lassi Recipe for Babies and Kids

Enjoy your perfect mango lassi as such or chilled.


  • This lassi is appropriate for babies of 9 months and older.
  • Use mangoes that are preferably not fibrous.
  • Cardamom powder is optional. It helps in enhancing the flavor and helps in digestion.
  • While preparing mango lassi for kids make sure that all the ingredients are chilled.
  • After making lassi keep in refrigerator to chill and then serve, because mango lassi tastes best when it is chilled.
  • Here I have used fresh Alphonso mangoes, you can also use frozen.
  • I have used homemade yogurt you can also use store bought ones.
  • The quantity of honey, cardamom powder and water could be adjusted according to your taste buds.
  • For extra flavor you can use some chopped nuts as well.
  • If pulp is sweet then skip the honey.
  • You can also make mango lassi with mango puree /pulp that is canned.
  • If using the canned mango pulp then color of the lassi might be different.
  • Avoid using sour curd.
  • If the lassie needs to be thinned out add some water to it.
  • It can be stored for 2 days in refrigerator.
  • Hand blender too can be used for blending.

So next time whenever a mango-craving strikes, take out the mangoes put them in blender add in yoghurt and make a glass of most refreshing mango lassi or smoothie.

Do try this easy mango lassi recipe for your little one and family. Let us know how it turned out.

What all mango recipes do you try at home? Do you have a variation for this mango lassi recipe? Do share with us in comments.


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