The weather is changing, the wind has become brisker and calls for a light sweater. Summer is definitely drifting away, and you can feel the change of season in the air. I wanted to make a refreshing ice cream that took me back to the tropical beaches I’ve been missing. The mango flavor was sweet and rich like honey. I got the ripest, smallest golden mangos, which make all the difference in having a distinct flavor. By not straining the pureed mango, it produced a thicker base which became a creamier sorbet. The sugary flaky pastry reminds me of eating a frozen fruit tart or a sorbet croissant sandwich. It was the perfect treat, on a gloomy summer day.I had some leftover puff pastry and since my mother, or should I say my caregiver, has been craving these buttery layers, I decided to bake it up in rounds to sandwich my sorbet between. With some chopped fresh cherries, and a drizzle of my favorite simple syrup, this sorbet just calls for beach breaks and summer fun.
Mango Cherry Sorbet
Ingredients {Makes one quart}
3 pounds {about 3} – Large Mangos {peeled and chopped}
6 tablespoons – Water
6 tablespoons – Pure Maple Syrup
3 tablespoons – Fresh Lemon Juice
1/4 teaspoon – Salt
1/2 cup – Cherry Simple Syrup {recipe here}
Recipe {Adapted from Sweet Cream and Sugar Cones}
Puree chopped mango into a food processor or blender until smooth. Add the water, maple syrup, lemon juice, salt, and simply syrup, and blend until completely combined and smooth. Taste to make sure it is a bit sweeter than it should be, once frozen it will become less sweet {add additional sugar if necessary}.
Freeze sorbet in ice cream machine according to manufacturer’s instructions, and place container in freezer while churning. Enjoy right away, or until firmer {about 4 hours}. Let sit until softened about to scoop {about 5 minutes}.