Fashion Magazine

Male Chauvinism

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
I get my nails done at this nearby nail salon run by a Taiwanese couple. They are the best manicurist I have ever come across. Although ... I prefer the wife, let's call her Jane, a little more than the husband. For no other reason except that he gets really annoyed when I do not take his suggestion into consideration. 
I always ask for Jane while making the appointment. But sometimes when they are busy he offers to "prepare" me for the manicure. When I ask him to do things differently (just like how  Jane does) he grunts and making sounds of disapproval. He is a kind man, but I find his reaction amusing. Every time. 
I would confront him but I choose to give him benefit of doubt due to the language barrier. May be there is a gap in communication or it is just a classic case of "lost in translation". But it also makes me realize how deep rooted male chauvinism is in all Asian societies. We simply choose to tolerate it and sometimes ignore it just because who is going to deal with such confrontation on daily basis? 
Vince Top, BCBG Pants, Cole Haan Pumps, Crazy & Co. Clutch, Vince Top, BCBG Pants, Cole Haan Pumps, Crazy & Co. Clutch, Vince Top, BCBG Pants, Cole Haan Pumps, Crazy & Co. Clutch, Vince Top, BCBG Pants, Cole Haan Pumps, Crazy & Co. Clutch, Vince Top, BCBG Pants, Cole Haan Pumps, Crazy & Co. Clutch, Vince Top, BCBG Pants, Cole Haan Pumps, Crazy & Co. Clutch, Vince Top, BCBG Pants, Cole Haan Pumps, Crazy & Co. Clutch, Top - Vince // Other options Pants - BCBG (previously worn here) // Similar Shoes - Cole Haan // Other options Clutch - Crazy & Co. // Same Earrings - Crazy & Co. // Same Pendant - Wish // Similar Male Chauvinism

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