Lifestyle Magazine

Making Tiger Swirl Soap

By Ngscents @ngscents

I’m back everyone! I finished my remake of my Tiger Swirl Soap, without adding any sodium lactate, and it turned out absolutely wonderful! Now we’re bringing you the great recipe for this beautiful soap, and it is the perfect one to bring you right into the spring season with its wonderfully bright colors! We have used our Shea Butter Cold Process Soap recipe for the base.


272 grams of Olive Oil

181 grams of Palm Oil

181 grams of Coconut Oil

272 grams of Shea Butter

345 grams of Lye

69 grams of Mint Mango Tea Fragrance Oil

15 grams of Titanium Dioxide

4 grams of Neon Orange FUN Soap Colorant

6 grams of Lime Green FUN Soap Colorant

125 grams of Distilled Water

Other Ingredients Needed:

Square Loaf Mold Market Mold

Safety Glasses

Safety Gloves

Safety Mask


Kabob Skewers


Stick Blender

Mixing Bowls




making tiger swirl soap

Always start with safety first! Before preparing anything, make sure that you are wearing your safety glasses, gloves, and mask! Once you are protected, you can prepare your lye water. Measure and weigh out 345 grams of water. Then measure and weigh out 125 grams of lye. Carefully add your lye to your water, then mix together thoroughly. Set your lye aside to cool down.

making tiger swirl soap

While you are waiting for the lye water to cool, you can go ahead and get your butters and oils ready. Measure and weigh out 272 grams of Shea Butter, 181 grams of Coconut Oil, 181 grams of Palm Oil, and 272 grams of Olive Oil. Then melt them your oils and butters down until they are completely melted. Once they are melted, set your bowl aside for it to cool as well.

making tiger swirl soap

While you are waiting for both your lye water and oils to cool, you can get your colors ready. In one mixing bowl, measure and weigh out 4 grams of Neon Orange colorant, and 6 grams of Lime Green colorant into another. In a third bowl, measure and weigh out 15 grams of titanium dioxide.

making tiger swirl soap

One your lye water and oils are around 100 degrees Fahrenheit and within 10 degrees of each other, they are ready to be mixed. Then pour just a little bit of your cooled oils into the bowl with titanium dioxide. Mix it thoroughly until it has become a paste-like consistency. Then go ahead and pour your lye water into your butters and oils. Mix it together thoroughly.

making tiger swirl soap

Next, pour 477 grams of your mixture into each bowl with your green and orange colorants.

making tiger swirl soap

In the base bowl, add your titanium dioxide paste and mix thoroughly until your mixture has turned completely white. Then thoroughly mix your green and orange bowls until you have achieved an all over orange color and an all over green.

making tiger swirl soap

Once you have thoroughly mixed your colors, add 24 grams of your Mint Mango Tea fragrance to each bowl, and again thoroughly mix each bowl. Then you can begin to pour your bowls into your mold. We started with our orange, and carefully poured just a little bit into a straight line across the mold. Do the same with your green, pouring into the center of the orange line.

making tiger swirl soap

Same with the white, pouring it right into the middle of the orange. Keep doing this technique alternating your colors until you have almost filled your mold.

making tiger swirl soap

Once you have finished pouring your colors, take the remainder of each and dollop it around on the top of your soap, using all of your remaining soap.

making tiger swirl soap

Then take your skewer and carefully circle it throughout the top of your soap, mixing the dollops together thoroughly. This will achieve a beautiful swirl effect on top.

making tiger swirl soap

Make sure to let your soap sit for at least 24 hours to fully set up before removing it from your mold.

Make sure to wait about 4 to 6 weeks before actually using your soap, giving it enough time to cure. After the 4 to 6 weeks have passed, your Mint Mango Soap will be ready for you to use and enjoy! Make sure to check out all the rest of our free recipes and classes as well! Keep watching for more Enlightened by Layla!


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