My latest YouTube video made it to the internet over the weekend and I’m pleased to say that, for the first time in 3 months, it’s a proper woodworking video and not something I knocked together in my flat (although, there are still more of those to come).
However, I was a little dismayed to realise, through the process of editing my footage, that I made this batch of marking gauges back in MARCH of last year… I was quite certain I did this towards the end of summer/early autumn… But seeing as that I didn’t move in to this flat until November, there’s a good chance therefore that I’ll have a few more videos from the workshop on their way in to your subscription feed gradually between now and Christmas. ;-)
To give a brief bit of background as to why I made these gauges; well, I’d only ever owned one single gauge (made by Marples) up until this point and when I started my current job over 3 years ago, a need arose to have one in box my toolboxes at work and also at home. But I was reluctant to spend £15-20 on another (in fact, the one I had is made of beech and perhaps only £5-10). So, I took a long term ambition and made my own!
If you watch this video over on YouTube then I’d be grateful if you could give me a thumbs up (click Like) and also if you wouldn’t mind subscribing to my channel, if you haven’t done so already – I’m almost up to 2,000 subscribers and I’d love to break that milestone fairly soon.
Thanks for watching! There will always be something more to follow!