Family Magazine

Making Kombucha…with a 2 Year Old

By Lindsayleighbentley @lindsayLbentley

Kombucha is a fermented food that fits easily into just about any diet. I've had friends who weaned off a beer habit with it. Friends who have weaned off diet coke/dr. pepper addictions with it.

My kids love kombucha, and I'm happy to give it to them as it is an incredible source of bioavailable probiotics.

I've found the way that my family prefers it is: Brewed in individual 1 gallon batches for about 10 days, with a 3 day 2nd ferment (where you add the fruit to individual bottles and ferment for 3 days in the bottles before refrigerating,) and flavored with halved organic strawberries and fresh mint leaves.

Miles has been beeeegggging me for "boocha" and so the other night, in a strange turn of events as he was the only child awake past 7pm, he helped me bottle our gallon.

We had the most wonderful time together. I don't get to spend a lot of one-on-one time with Miles. He goes to bed after Etta, and either with or before Henry. He naps in the afternoon, and so the only time that he is the only child awake is when Henry has an uncharacteristic meltdown. Sweet boy. Henry hasn't napped regularly for about a year but every once in a while he just falls to pieces and needs either a nap or to go to bed at 6pm.

Such was the case a few nights ago, and I found myself with a few hours alone with my precious middle-child.

Bottling kombucha with a 2 year old takes 3 times longer but is also 3 times as fun and 3 times as adorable.

I've also found that children are more excited about eating food that they have had a part in either growing, picking out from the store/farmer's market, or preparing themselves.

Miles is such a sweet boy...I hope you can capture his sweetness from the pictures.

making kombucha…with a 2 year old
making kombucha…with a 2 year old
making kombucha…with a 2 year old
making kombucha…with a 2 year old
making kombucha…with a 2 year old
making kombucha…with a 2 year old
making kombucha…with a 2 year old
making kombucha…with a 2 year old
making kombucha…with a 2 year old

For step-by-step picture instructions for making your own delicious, healthy kombucha, click HERE.

live well. be well.

making kombucha…with a 2 year old

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