Making the shield
- Select the rectangle tool
- Drag a rectangle
- Go to Path>Object to Path
- Select the Edit Paths by Nodes Tool
- Select the bottom part of the rectangle
- Click on the top toolbar (left hand side) – Insert New Nodes into selected segments
- Press CTRL and drag down the new node to make a shield shape
- Duplicate the shield and flip in vertically
- arrange the bottom shield so that the tip overlaps the top shield
- Now Select the top shield again and CTRL + D to duplicate it
- Hold shift and select the bottom shield (in addition to the top 2)
- Then go to Path>Intersection:
Making the Shield Logo
- Add the wings! Use the rectangle tool to create a square with the same size stroke
- Go to Path>Object to Path
- Select the Edit Paths by Nodes Tool
- Select the left part of the rectangle
- Click on the top toolbar (left hand side) – Insert New Nodes into selected segments
- Press CTRL and drag the new node on the left, to the right
- Add the accent lines by using the Basier Pen
- Click near the side-square – slightly to the left of it hold CTRL and click to the right of the side-square – press enter to create a line
- Drag it near the top of the side-square
- Path>Stroke to Path
- Duplicate the line – hold CTRL and drag it down to near the bottom
- Hold shift and select both lines – path>Union
- Select the side-box and the 2 lines and put lines on horizonal alignment of side-box
- Duplictae the side-box only
- Hold shift – select the lines as well
- Then go to Path>Intersection