Fashion Magazine

#MakeupMonday April My Glam

By Thedivadoll @marlenefrierson

#MakeupMonday April My Glam
I wanted to change things up a bit and feature my My Glam bag as this weeks MakeupMonday!
If you follow me on twitter and Instagram, you will know that I finally received my My Glam Bag. I was so excited to finally have been able to join.
This months theme was Girls Night Out. It actually came just in time, because this weekend, I really did have a Girl Night Out. I went to a charity boxing match called Guns and Hoses. It's the Firemen vs. Policemen. ( I'll have a post for that soon).
Well on to the goodies:
List of Goodies:
Dermastore Lip Quencher2 My Glam signature brushesFalse EyelashesUrban Decay Glide on Eye pencil in Radium
#MakeupMonday April My Glam
#MakeupMonday April My Glam
#MakeupMonday April My Glam
#MakeupMonday April My Glam
#MakeupMonday April My Glam
I was very impressed by the items in the bag. My favorite I would have to say is the Urban Decay Glide stick! I love the color they sent me too. I wore it the next day but forgot to take pictures... I know, I know.. Bad blogger!
I will have to try the false eyelashes t I do have one quirk. On Facebook, when they doing the teasers... Someone had mentioned about there being some eyelash adhesive in with the bag. And I do believe someone did respond saying that would come with.
It didn't come in my bag. I'm really not too worried about it, as I already have some adhesive. But my concern are for the other glammies that are all excited to try some eyelashes but still have to pay for the adhesive. Just would of been cool to throw that in there. Now, all you glammies that received the April Glam Bag and you got an adhesive with it, please let me know!
Other than that I really liked my first bag!
Excited to see what's in store for next month!

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