Hair & Beauty Magazine

Makeup Tips for the Elderly

By Jayshreebhagat
Makeup Tips for the Elderly

Contrary to what many people think, the best makeup looks are the ones suited to the person, not the ones based on general practices because that way the right features are highlighted. Especially for older women and men many makeup tips are directed at younger people and it's a good idea to look for tips specifically for the right demographic.

Here are some makeup tips for the elderly.

Always Moisturize First

This tip is essential for anyone, but you especially want to moisturize when you have older skin as age makes the skin drier because of a reduction in collagen. Opt for moisturizers made with mature skin in mind as they contain ingredients like hyaluronic acid, retinol, glycerin, etc that hydrate and plump up the skin.

Then, to properly moisturize, apply a pea-sized amount to damp skin to lock in moisture, taking care to use gentle upward strokes. You can apply extra to problem areas like dry or flaky patches. You also want to be consistent - ideally twice a day - for really hydrated skin.

Choose Cream Based Products

Next, to complement your moisturized skin, it's a good idea to opt for cream-based makeup products over powder-based ones for a dewy natural looking finish. Here's how:

    Cream-based products have a higher percentage of water
    Their smooth creamy texture can better fill in fine lines or wrinkles
    Cream-based products are easier to blend
    They're less likely to turn out heavy and cakey, especially on elderly skin

Highlight Strategically

Makeup is all about highlighting the right features for a final glow. Of course, specific strategic features vary from person to person but generally, here are some tips for highlighting the right features as an elderly person:

    Focus on the high points of the face - where the light hits naturally - like the tops of your cheekbones, the bridge of your nose, the cupid's bow, and the inner corners of the eyes.
    Highlight with a light hand, taking care to blend
    Be careful not to highlight what you consider to be your problem areas, instead using concealer on those areas

Don't be afraid to experiment when it comes to applying makeup. It can be fun to look for creative ways to try out new looks that may complement your unique features.

And it's as simple as reading blog posts or watching tutorials for not just inspiration but also step-by-step instructions on things like applying new types of products, using different brush techniques, and even playing with colors. Just be sure to prioritize tips from makeup artists or influencers with features similar to your own.

From teenagers to elderly people, no one masters how to apply makeup with no help so try out these tips for flattering makeup looks; moisturize first, opt for cream-based products, highlight strategically, and don't be afraid to experiment.

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