Hair & Beauty Magazine

Makeup Brushes : Sigma F15 Duo Fibre Powder/ Blush Brush Vs. MAC Duo Fibre 131 Brush Comparison

By Makeuptemple @makeuptemple




This is the post that I promised you when I am doing my review on Sigma F15 duo fibre brush


In this post I  will be comparing Sigma F15 Duo Fibre Blush / Powder Brush  and MAC Duo Fibre 131 brush….  Dr. Makeup Temple has 2 patients on the operation table today..

We will be talking pluses and minus of these two patients today…


1-) MAC 131 has shorten handle than Sigma F15

2) Sigma F15 has wider but shorter bristles

3-) MAC 131 has longer but

4-) Sigma F15 has flat bristles

5-)Sigma F15 handle is thicker than MAC 131

6-) Sigma F15 gives us an easy application comparing to MAC 131

7-) MAC 131 is not bad but Sigma F15 is better for foundation

8-)They both do not leave bristles on face

Eye rolling smile

9-)Both MAC 131 Duo Fibre brush and Sigma F15 does not leave any streak marks like MAC 187 and Sigma F50 or other Duo Fibre Brushes..

10-)  I can only say one negative thing about Sigma Brushes, I am talking on the Sigma Brushes I have and generally after a certain use and wash they fall apart from the handle, and i used super glue on one of the brushes, now I seriously do not remember which one for sure but as far as I remember it was Sigma F50

11-) If you ask me Sigma F15 or MAC 131 I will definitely say Sigma F15, If I say Sigma F15 than why did I purchase MAC 131 it is because I do not like to use just one brush in one brand, I would not know which one is better if i did not use both two. MAC 131 is not bad, they are at the same quality but at this time I like Sigma F15, both of the brushes has been purchased by myself.

12-)MAC 131 Duo Fibre Brush Cost 40 USD and was a limited edit brush, Sigma F15 is not a limited edit brush on and it costs

13-) MAC 131 is good at applying highly pigmented products, pigments, glitters, NARS Orgasm Blushes, Dark or Red CC, or dark foundations which is used by pros on contouring and highlighting , cream blend foundations, cream blushes

14-) I generally us MAC 131 with liquid highlighters, like Soap & Glory Hocus Focus.

15-) Try mixing your loose bronzer and Liquid Highlighter than apply with using MAC 131 or Sigma F15 you will be amazed…

16-) It is easier to clean these two brushes, I usually wash them with a baby shampoo, I tried to use brush shampoos in past but those shampoos is not really helpful when cleaning up makeup brushes and it leaves a strange scent on the brushes which gives me a nausea, at the end a regular baby shampoo is inexpensive and it is for sensitive skin so it will not give any harm to your brushes.. I am totally against washing your brushes with detergents,  Detergents are carcinogen and baby shampoos are not.

17-) On  my latest post I gave you the dupe list for MAC 131 but I do not mind mentioning it again

  • Sigma F15 Duo Fibre Brush – MAC 131 Duo Fibre Brush
  • Coastal Scents C427
  • Hakuhodou G545
  • Hakuhodou G544
  • Coastal Scents Tapered Duo Fiber Brush


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