Computing Magazine

Make Money Blogging Guide 2016

Posted on the 22 January 2016 by Savita Singh @Compgeekblog

There are hundreds of reasons why I love why I do work from home, why I quit my job. Today I am sharing my experience and few blogging tips for beginner who wants to make money fast. There are many other ways to make money from home, data operator, freelance content writing, photography selling, affiliates and one of my favorite is blogging.

I have started blogging since from 2013 but due to some reasons and my regular job I can't continue it. But now I have decided to continue blogging and I have been doing full time blogging from three months ago and love to see the responses and appreciation behalf of my readers and users. That's extremely amazing experience with in three months only. And I am satisfied to see to my monthly earning as well. I feeling like I can teach other that how to make money online.

Read More : Blogging Trends to follow in 2016
  1. You will become better content writer
  2. You will become a better thinker.
  3. Get rich faster
  4. You will develop an eye for meaningful things
  5. You'll get healthier ad stress free life
  6. You'll be a business person soon
  7. You will meet new and energetic people.
  8. Your will inspire others.
  9. You will become more confident
  10. People will start follow you Visit here for details
Read More : How to Make Money Blogging

Here are few steps to make money online form home. Now this is your turn to full fill your dream and get rich faster. Let's go ahead and find five easy steps to help you start a blog and make money online.

  1. Create a blog
  2. Get the help and support
  3. Get start blogging
  4. Marketing your blog
  5. Making money with your blog

There are many top blogger who have already shared many tips and tricks about blogging; I don't want to repeat the same things. I just let you know the important factors so you should always keep in mind while do blogging.

  1. Keyword research is important for blogging
  2. Title and tagline change the life of your blog
  3. Add categories on your blog
  4. Adding widgets in the sidebar
  5. Add images to your post

This is the most essential part of blogging so more people know about your blog. The more people see the more you earn. Otherwise there are only you and your blog L. Let's go ahead to see marketing tips for blogging.

Read More : Social Media Marketing Tips

  1. Basic of SEO and Internet Marketing
  2. SEO for content
  3. Social Media awareness
  4. Social media marketing plan
  5. Email marketing
  6. Blogging community

I knew it you are waiting for it; well I am extremely satisfied to see my monthly package, how easily I earn more than my regular job. Now I am the boss of my career life. Let's get started what you should do to make money fast in blogging.

  1. Google Adsence
  2. Ad type recommended and placement
  3. Affiliate marketing
  4. Brand Advertising
Read More : Make money Online

I am happy to being boss. This is your turn now to change your life and be a business woman. If you want to more about blogging tips and keep subscribe us ad bookmark this page. We will share all blogging tips and tricks soon.

Check your Website Traffic & Domain Ranking

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Make Money Blogging Guide 2016

Savita Singh is the author of computergeekblog, She has a superlative knowledge of Graphic and Web designing. She is a part time blogger who loves to write about latest technology, social media and web design. Her blog focuses on creative things of designing and tech, providing professional opinions on designing products, performances and a variety of business.

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