Books Magazine

Mailbox Mondays: The Mid-May Edition

Posted on the 18 May 2015 by Cheekymeeky

Mailbox Mondays: The Mid-May Edition Welcome to Mailbox Monday, a meme started by Marcia of To Be Continued.

I’ve rejected review requests left, right. and center this month. I am in the middle of a terrible reading slump (not really reflected in my blog, as I have reviews queued up consistently), but it’s been an awful slog just trying to complete the books I am reading, and I am seriously thinking of just giving up on them and trying something I’m more in the mood for. I hate to accept review copies when I am in a slump just because it’s just impossible for me to give an honest opinion when I am not in the mood.

So, yes, I haven’t been accepting any review copies, but if someone offers me a Toni Morrison (in hard cover that too), there’s just no way I am going to say no.

So here are the only two review books that I got this month.


I got God Help the Child by Toni Morrison, and I am really looking forward to it. I also accepted The Thomas Berryman Number by James Patterson (not my favorite author), when I realized this was his début novel, and that it received an Edgar award. So, I am quite curious about that one, although I am keeping my expectations on the realistic side.

So these are the only two books I got this month. What books have you received? What are you looking forward to reading? And how on earth do bloggers manage review copies when in the middle of a slump? I’d really love some tips.

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