Books Magazine

Mailbox Mondays: September 08, 2014

Posted on the 08 September 2014 by Cheekymeeky

Mailbox Mondays: September 08, 2014 Welcome to Mailbox Monday, a meme started by Marcia of To Be Continued.

It’s been ages since I did a mailbox monday. I’ve been a little unmotivated to take part in regular memes lately but the number of books that came in recently was just too much not to merit a mention.

In addition, I’m in a bit of a reading slump, and I may not be able to get to all these books mentioned here so I’d like to take this opportunity to talk about these books and what I find interesting about them.

First up are the thrillers.

Mailbox Mondays: September 08, 2014

I have already featured Kingdom Come in this post where I interviewed the author Aarti V.Raman. Yes, it’s been that long since this book is waiting for me to read it

. From the blurb and the interview, you can make out it’s a political thriller and I’ve been promised that it has one of the best villains in a story, so I absolutely need to get to it very soon.

Love Lasts Forever by Vikrant Khanna is another novel I got quite some time ago. It is a love story, but Somalian pirates are involved, and the moment I heard that I decided to overlook the cheesy book title and accepted it, and now this book is also at home.

I received Seduced by Murder by Saurbh Katyal last week. I skimmed through the first couple of pages and I was hooked. It’s a sort of Indian crime noir story, and it was noir-ish enough to reel me in, and I finished it in one sitting. The review will be coming up shortly.

Now, on to the others.


I just started His Runaway Royal Bride by Tanu Jain. So far in, it’s nice, a regular romance. I like that the story is less about the love between the two, but more about trying to adjust to each others need for space and their differing lifestyle choices.

The Full Moon Bride by Shobhan Bantwal explores the whole love/arranged marriage dichotomy with the story of Siya Giri, a girl on the verge of marriage. But to whom? her arranged match – a man who she likes or Lou, someone she is attracted to but who may not be accepted by her family.

The last book I am featuring – An Isolated Incident by Soniah Kamal comes highly recommended by Khaled Hosseini no less. Although I was drowning in books, I couldn’t ignore a recommendation like that, and so promptly this book is also added to my TBR stack. The book is about a woman refugee from Kashmir and I don’t know anything more than that.

So these are the books I received over the last couple of months, have you read any of them? Which books did you receive and are excited about?

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