Books Magazine

Made-Up Word of the Month: Charalamentation

By Lauryn April @LaurynApril
Once again I'm blogging about those feelings and experiences that only book lovers can understand, by making up words to describe them. Each month, on the last Monday of the month, I'll post a new word.
Made-Up Word of the Month: Charalamentation
[kar-i-lam-uh n-tey-shuh n]
1. An expression of grief or sorrow over the death of a fictional character.
“I have been in a state of charalamentation for days after reading about the death of my favorite character.”
The best books make you fall in love with their characters, so it's only natural that when something terrible happens to them it feels like having your heart ripped out. I was left in a serious state of charalamentation after reading The Hunger Games. That book just left me feeling gutted, and there's been plenty of others that had me weeping by the end.
What's a book that made you cry? Share in the comments below about a character who's passing left you grieving.
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