Diaries Magazine
We recently returned from a wonderful vacation. We traveled to Michigan to meet up with family and then we all traveled together to Mackinac Island. The island was rich with history, void of car's exhaust. Morning's were for hotel windows open, the clip-clop of horse's feet walking by and by. One morning we set off--all 13 of us--on bikes and rode around the island, stopping at rocky beaches, exploring and admiring the natural beauty. Lake Huron sparkled and, to our surprise, the jeweled tones of the sea fanned out before us, not lake-like at all. It was a relaxing, lovey trip, much like this entire summer has been. We returned home to greet Sully's 4th birthday and this weekend we'll celebrate with a party--a superhero party--for one the super-coolest people I know. I finally stopped kicking tires and printed out the school supply lists, I marked my calendar full of important dates, most importantly the day I'm required to bring them back to school. They are excited, ready, even if I am not. It's real, it's true. Summer's winding down; I'm accepting.