When I was traveling to Toronto, I had the Mac counter in my sights at the Airport and we all know how dangerous that can be, particularly when you're feeling all loose and in 'I'm on my holidays' mode. I had two products in mind - Soar Lipstick and Studio Sculpt Foundation. I came away with neither. SMH.
They had sold out of Soar and I figured the best time to buy a new foundation was when I came home and had no tan or fake bake on so to get matched better.
Instead, I came away from the Mac counter with Lightscapade skinfinish and it's the prettiest highlight I've ever seen.
It looks almost like a tidal wave of color correcting tones of white, pink, purple and blues. Normally I'd hate this because some other products where there are more than one shade can look uneven but being a highlight, this blends in perfectly as there is no real 'colour pigment'.
To swatch and wear it all blends into an icy highlight with slight blue tones which looks stunning with contour or even on it's own. I'm one of those people who either goes subtle or ends up with a crater face because I'm wearing so much highlight. There is no middle ground, I'm an all or nothing kinda lass but with this highlight, I just need one wee sweep of it and I know I look fleeky. Lol @ the fact I'm almost 30 and used the word 'fleeky'.
Have you tried this out?
H x