- Lux Fragrance Deo Spray Peach Blossom.
- Lux Fragrance Deo Spray Sweet Petals.
- Lux Fragrance Deo Spray Loving Touch.
- Lux Fragrance Deo Spray Magical Spell.

Price:Rs. 150 for 150 ml. (Expiry 36 months).The fragrance:The fragrance is distinctly similar to that of the bodywash and I love it. It’s a little bit woody only on the base note I guess. It lasts quite long, but the initial fragrance lasts only 2 hours and then starts fading off.The smell is quite pleasing and feminine. It smells strongly of orchids and is very refreshing.The spray isn’t irritating or itchy on the skin. Sensitive skinned people can use it too

- Fragrance
- Lasting time
- Price
- Different smell
Cons:Contains alcohol