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"Luv Guv" Robert Bentley Repeatedly Uses the Word "trust" in Offering Advice About Vaccinations, Though He Betrayed the Trust of Alabamians -- and His Wife

Posted on the 29 July 2021 by Rogershuler @RogerShuler

"Luv Guv" Bentley and Rebekah Caldwell Mason


Former Alabama governor Robert Bentley has weighed in on America's COVID-vaccination problem and decided individuals should take medical advice from professionals they trust, according to a report at Yellow Hammer News (YH). This comes from a man whose wife of 50 years could not trust him around another woman.

As for medical professionals to trust, they do not include Dr. Anthony Fauci, widely considered the nation's foremost expert on infectious diseases -- but still seen as a bogeyman among pro-Trump Republicans. Trying to play to the Trumpie audience, Governor? Pretty clever, especially for a guy who resigned from office in disgrace, complete with a mugshot.

Finally, Bentley dives into a litany of things he would do if in charge during the pandemic. And that raises one question: How would a Gov. Bentley find time for all of this while also allowing time to feel up senior adviser Rebekah Caldwell Mason? Only so much time in the day, "Luv Guv." From the YH report:

If former Gov. Robert Bentley were in charge of Alabama’s COVID-19 response, he would put an emphasis on working with local officials, especially with regards to any efforts to raise the state’s vaccination rate.

During an interview with Mobile radio FM Talk 106.5, Bentley, a board-certified dermatologist who continues to practice in Tuscaloosa, acknowledged the “complicated” nature of the pandemic but also cautioned against blaming those that remain unvaccinated.

However, he also encouraged vaccinations, adding individuals should base any medical decisions on those that they trust.

You would think a guy who already has betrayed the trust of Alabamians -- and his wife -- might resist daydreaming about being in charge again. But not Bentley:

“It’s very complicated, and I understand that,” he said. “I’m not trying to tell somebody else how I would do things. But I do have ideas on how I would handle it. First, I wouldn’t blame the unvaccinated because you can’t pit one side against the other. It’s not a blame situation. Look, I deal with patients who have to make decisions on whether or not they want a cancer removed, or this or that. And they have to make the decision. But you just have to give them good advice, and they have to trust whoever gives them advice. Now look, you can’t give this advice to Fox News or CNN or places like that. You really need to listen to people who know what they’re talking about, their physician, primarily. I just think we need leadership on this issue. This is a state issue. It is not a federal issue.”

“If I were governor, I would be out all over the state,” Bentley continued. “I would set up some task forces on a state level. But I would work with the locals, also — especially the local doctors, the local nursing situation, the local doctors’ association and the hospitals. But I would also work with the local officials, and some of the most important ones are county commissioners and mayors and our elected officials out there. So, I would work with them. I would even use the state health department, but I would be in charge of it, not the health department. And then, also, I would even use my national guard if I needed to. But what I would try to do for the people is get their trust, and I would give them good advice, scientific advice on whether or not these things are safe or not. When you read Facebook, or you watch the news, you really don’t get the truth because these people are not interested in the truth. They’re interested in ratings. You need somebody they would trust, and that’s what I would try to do as governor. I would be out all over the state, especially in areas we know there is a spike in this Delta virus.”

How would the "Luv Guv" do this while still tending to Ms. Mason's needs? Those boobs aren't going to massage themselves, you know.

Robert Bentley mugshot

That question will remain unanswered -- thankfully -- in Bentley's dream world. But get this about Dr. Fauci:

Bentley indicated he was a proponent of vaccinations but discouraged listeners from putting too much stock in National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has commanded the lion’s share of the spotlight.

“Again, I would encourage everybody to please get vaccinated — those that are not vaccinated,” he added. “Please look at it. And look at real science on it. Don’t listen to Dr. Fauci, and don’t listen to some of these other people.”

So Bentley is a man of science who could be trusted in a time of crisis, but Dr. Anthony Fauci is not? People should take COVID advice from a dermatologist, but not an infectious-diseases specialist. We long have seen signs that Bentley thinks the public consists mostly of dullards. Looks like that hasn't changed. In fact, this is over the top, even for the "Luv Guv."

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