I'm pretty sure that I have a teensy obsession with Lush. A combination of the natural products that they use, the smell, and of course the actual results that they give have to make them one of my all time favorite skincare brands. I had five empty pots so took them back on Saturday for their recycling program, for which they give you a free face mask in return, but we also went a little bit crazy buying some other treats for an impromptu pamper evening.
Firstly the two masks, Magnaminty and the Sacred Truth. Magnaminty has been a long time favorite of mine for it's ability to literally shrink spots, and I always find my skin feels so refreshed and soft after using it, plus I love the minty smell. The Sacred Truth was a new one to me; it's actually meant to be for anti-ageing but was recommended instore to my sister so in it went to the basket! Made from wheat-grass, ginseng, green-tea and papaya I can't really describe the scent of it any better than fresh. It's the one that I decided to use last night and whilst I can't see such amazing effects of it as I do from the Magnaminty, it did do a good job at softening my skin and didn't feel quite so harsh or drying.
Another thing that was recommend to my sister was the Skin Drink, a moisturiser that is meant to be really great for combination skin, hydrating it, without making it really oily. It doesn't really have a scent as such to it, which is good for those that find Lush a bit too overpowering sometimes. I can't really review as such yet as I've only tried it once, but so far so good! Finally, some non-skincare related bits. We topped up on the Lemony Flutter which is my favorite cuticle butter as it does a really good job at nourishing the nails, and smells a bit like citrusy heaven. We also got another pot of Roots which is a hair mask which adds incredible volume to your hair whilst removing product build up at the same time!
We may have gone a bit overboard, whoops, but everyone does a treat, right?What have you bought recently?