Title: Lurking in the MindEditor: Jaidis ShawPublished: April 4th, 2017Publisher: CHBB Publishing:Genre: Horror, Paranormal
Sometimes the most horrifying monsters live within us.
What horrors lurk within a broken mind when left unattended? From alternate personalities to figments of the imagination, our stories will give you a new outlook on the complexity of the human mind. Follow our authors into the madness … if you dare.
Disclaimer: While the stories within this anthology are works of fiction, some very real mental disorders, fears and/or characteristics are discussed. Stories may contain sensitive topics such as depression, suicide, self-harm, split personalities, schizophrenia, and more. Please be advised.
Stories featured in this anthology include the following:
“Twisted” by Jaclyn Osborn“Lonely Hearts” by Amber Hassler“When Emily was Here” by Kathy-Lynn Cross“Postpartum” by Savannah Rohleder“The Creep” by E.M. Fitch“Blind Justice” by Jaidis Shaw“Tortured Minds” by Gina A. Watson“Lauren” by Jacqueline E. Smith“Verity Incognito” by James William Peercy“Gethen” by Liz Butcher“Starved” by Ace Antonio Hall“When I met Hannah” by Shelly Schulz“Did You See Evelyn Today?” by Kelly Matsuura“North Side Asylum” by Lily Luchesi“Obsession” by M L Sparrow
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Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
- $10 Amazon Gift Card from Jaidis Shaw
- Winner’s choice of one ebook by Jaclyn Osborn
- An ebook copy of Cemetery Tours by Jacqueline E. Smith
- An Unseen Series swag pack from Kathy-Lynn Cross (US Shipping)
- Signed copy of Of the Trees by E.M. Fitch and a $10 Starbucks gift card (US Shipping)
- $5 Amazon gift card from Amber Hassler
- An ebook copy of Stake-Out by Lily Luchesi and a mini swag pack (Int Shipping)
- An ebook copy of Insignia: Southeast Asian Fantasy and Insignia: Asian Fantasy Stories by Kelly Matsuura
a Rafflecopter giveaway