Food & Drink Magazine

"Lullaby" by Daniel D. | [HipHop, RnB, Jazz, and Everything in Between Violinist Daniel D.]

By Roseywinter @roseywinter

I just heard of Daniel D. through a tweet that was sent to me to go & support his Kickstarter project. I was like, cool... another project to check out by an interesting person. I had no idea what the project was about, because I wasn't really paying attention. But as soon as I played the embedded video on his project funding page... HOLY COW. Visceral reaction. Totally.
Daniel D. describes himself as a "hipHop, RnB, jazz, and everything in between violinist" but it's SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT. I swear that violin was singing to my soul.
Listen to his song "Lullaby" (posted above) and visit his Kickstarter project. He's trying to produce his 3rd full-length album, and needs all the help he can get! :)
Here is his Kickstarter video:

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