Fashion Magazine

LTA: The Lolita Fashion

By Kaidarul @KaiDarul

LTA: The Lolita Fashion


Lolita fashion (ロリータ・ファッション Rorīta fasshon) is a fashion subculture originating in Japan that is based on Victorian-era clothing as well as costumes from the Rococo period, but the style has expanded greatly beyond these two. - Wikipedia

Lolita comes in different styles too - from gothic, sweet, punk, classic, princess, sailor, shiro and kuro, oji, guro, country, wa, qi, to casual lolitas.

LTA: The Lolita Fashion


 The dress styles of Lolita fashion can also be in different designs such as what is shown here. 
  1. *Bell Shaped
  2. *A-Line
  3. *Empire Waist
  4. *Gathered Skirt
  5. *Flared Skirt
  6. *Pleated Skirt
  7. *Tiered Skirt 
  8. *High Waisted Skirt
  9. *Scalloped Skirt
  10. *Bustle Skirt

LTA: The Lolita Fashion


 A Lolita should have the aforementioned labels in her dress code (in the photo above). Otherwise, the entire look would not be complete.

LTA: The Lolita Fashion


Lolita fashion is still as famous in Japan. And many more countries are embracing this kind of fashion nowadays especially in terms of cosplay (costume play). Most of the Asian countries are also more inclined and welcoming to this fashion style these days.

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