Today, a change of style. I would like to share an old poem with you.
I wrote Loving You more than a decade ago. At the time, I was into spoken word poetry and had released my own CD.
Kings Park, Winnipeg, Canada - Photo by Cendrine MarrouatLOVING YOU Loving you is easy. Your heart beats like The midnight breeze, Caressing the strings of my essence. Loving you is easy. Your smile tenderly Invites reveries, Exposing the chords of my mind. Loving you is easy. Your voice is like Music to my inner ear, And honey to my soul. Loving you means completeness. You answer the questions Of my inner interactions. You bless the seasons Of my secret divinity. God sent you to enlighten The epiphany of my pen, So that I can describe beauty In words and thoughts, And open the door to invisible realities. Loving you makes me aware Of my purpose in life. Loving you brings me peace. Loving you... Loving you... Is easy.©2010 Cendrine Marrouat
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