Arts & Crafts Magazine

Loving- My Girls

By Leonied
Warning: this is all about my children and the mushy squishy feelings I'm enjoying at the moment!  And I will add right now, that yes, they have had their moments and there have certainly been a day or two where they've woken up seemingly with the sole purpose of making sure I pull my hair out...
Loving- my girls
But mostly it's been a really awesome week...  Watching new movies, shopping, working on birthday plans...  Filled with lots of iceblocks on sweltering days...
Loving- my girls
Lying on blankets, eating popcorn, watching clouds and planes in the sky.  We've just had such a lovely time playing and having fun.  Playing 'house', mummy's and babies...
Loving- my girls
Anya loves picking Liezel up and carrying her around.  Of course Liezel loves her doing this.  It is hilarious.
Heidi tries but she's not much bigger than Liezel - which also makes for great entertainment.
The two older girls dote on their little sister... always holding her hand, leading her around, looking after her, giving her hugs, cleaning her scraped knees and so on.
And Liezel loves her big sisters.  More and more I find her watching and looking at them for guidance.  On how to do something or how to react... whatever her big sisters are doing she will do too.
Loving- my girls
Little things they've been saying:  Anya calls the other two sweetheart, darling, etc all the time.  and the other day my hubby was showing her different types of speakers.. tweeters, subwoofer, etc... when he moved on to a different grouping she proudly showed him which one the "birdie" speaker was... :) too cute!
Loving- my girls
Liezel's talking more and more and starting to string proper sentences together.  "Mine" has become "I've got it" in just the last couple of days.  This kid... she is one heck of a character... and has a face that can get her out of anything... it takes alot of suppressing smiles and laughter to keep a straight face sometimes : )
Loving- my girls
Warm and fuzzies : )
Have a great weekend everyone!
L xx
For more loving head over to Meghan's : )
Loving- my girls

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