Business Magazine

Love Your Pet? Here Are Some Summer Pet Care Tips

Posted on the 05 April 2019 by Ncrimaldi @MsCareerGirl

Love Your Pet?  Here Are Some Summer Pet Care Tips

All the signs of spring are around us. If you're not already enjoying the warmer weather, chances are you have plans for the months ahead. Just remember that your furry friend requires consideration and planning just as any other member of the family. Warmer days can be tough on them, too! Here are some summer pet care tips and reminders to assure their summer vacation is as enjoyable as yours.

Pets And Heat

Of course you know that it's a very bad idea to leave your pets in the car. In fact, in some states it's illegal. Even with a window cracked open, summer and even spring days can quickly elevate the temperature and cause heat stroke in as little as ten minutes.

But it's also important to remember that cats and dogs don't cool themselves like humans do. Panting and drinking water are their primary cooling tools. Less known is that their fur is also actually part of their cooling system.

Follow these guidelines for summer pet care:

  • Be sure to provide adequate water and shade, even on trips.
  • If you shave your pet for summer, which isn't recommended, leave at least an inch of fur.
  • Use caution when walking pets on hot or even warm days. The pads on their feet burn as easily as your own feet.
  • If you'll be out for an extended period of time, apply sunscreen to pet's noses, ears, and where ever their coat is thin and short.
Love Your Pet?  Here Are Some Summer Pet Care Tips

Parasites and Disease

Warmer months means your pets, just like you, will be exposed to ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes. Those pests may be small, but they carry tapeworms, heartworms, and various diseases.

  • Use repellents on pets when ever you feel the need to use them on yourself. And remember to use pet safe products.
  • Bathe pets more often as appropriate for increased outdoor activity.
  • If you notice any unusual signs or symptoms, consult a veterinarian. Diseases and parasites can be deadly if not treated promptly.
  • Because heartworms in particular are so deadly to dogs, consider using a heartworm preventative or multi-preventative addition to their feeding routine.

Moreover, keep on eye on your dog, especially, and be sure they don't eat rotting or spoiled food they've found in their outdoor wanderings.

About Fireworks

One of the highlights of summer is the inspiring fireworks display that is part of seasonal celebrations. Your pets, however, don't generally find the loud noise and flashes of light very enjoyable.

While you're enjoying the festivities, provide a safe and secure place for them to hide out. If possible, it should be free of the noise that pets find unsettling or frightening.

Love Your Pet?  Here Are Some Summer Pet Care Tips

Enjoy Summer - With Your Best Furry Friend

Having a great summer means making preparations for comfort and good health. Remember your pet in those preparations, and it'll be a great time for them, too!

Love Your Pet?  Here Are Some Summer Pet Care Tips

I'm a serial entrepreneur, with a resume that makes me look like a Jane of all trades. Pretty sure we are all reluctant Messiahs, travelling through life planting seeds where ever we can. Hopefully, most of mine have been good ones! MA from Miami University (Ohio, not Florida), BA from Cal State.

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