Life Coach Magazine

Love This Girl, Love This Song

By Stacylrust
Who told you you’re allowed to rain on my parade?

So that’s the message for today… DO NOT let anyone rain on your parade. EVER. Got it??? Life’s candy, and the sun’s a ball of butter. And damnit, that’s the way it should be!!

NEVER listen to the people who tell you that you aren’t going to make it, that you shouldn’t waste your time dreaming and should “get back to the real world” and “be practical”. These are the very same people who will never accomplish anything in life because they are strangled by fear and cynicism. Never let them influence you or discourage you. Never let them rain on your parade.

Be around people who fill you up, who continually tell you just how PHENOMENAL you truly are, because those are the people that matter.

P.S. Isn’t this girl AMAZING!?!?!?! Her name is Michelle Vargas and her website is It’s all about “freeing your awesome” and letting go of fear. Check her out, you will LOVE her!

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