Fashion Magazine

Love Every Body Body Positivity Workshop #1

By Nikki Sumner @gamergirl0621

Just Me Leah 
Welcome to a new monthly Body Positivity Workshop which has been devised by the lovely Leah from Just Me Leah, the idea behind this is for us to bit by bit learn to love our bodies (for a more in-depth description please follow this Link ).
So the first assignment is to write a letter to our body so here is mine:
Dear Body,Well we have been together for 38 years now (ssh don't tell anyone it has been that long!!) and we have had our good times, bad times and all those times that fall somewhere in the middle!! Where do I start- with the good I guess... I have a pair of legs that allow me to run around after my son, arms that are great at giving hugs, boobs that make good pillows, bright blue eyes to see the world (with the help of glasses),and ears to hear the voices of my family. We have had no broken bones, or major operations and very few scars (the odd chicken pox scar here and there!) so on the whole not too shabby! The one thing that you have done which I can never forget is give me a son and for that body I thank you and I salute you even with my still wobbly tummy!!Now the bad... Losing a baby whilst I understand body and I forgive you I just  wish I could ask you why I know I shouldn't blame you it was obviously not meant to be but still that doesn't make the pain any less. I suppose I should ask you to forgive me for the hatred I have shown you over the years, the times I have stood and cried when I thought my tummy was too big, my boobs too saggy or arms to flabby because I couldn't see beyond this and thought that I could only ever be happy if I could just fit into that smaller dress or smaller pair of jeans. I know I haven't always been as kind to you as I should, I drink more than maybe I should, don't always eat the right things and could exercise more but through all of this you are still here and hopefully going strong. I am trying to make amends and hopefully the next 38 years (fingers crossed we are still here) will be better and more harmonious!!
Thanks body I love you well more than I used to!!!
LoveNikki  xx

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