January 2012 marks the beginning of the Love and Grace for Singles page on Facebook!
I am truly excited to network and fellowship on a more personal level with Christian Singles from around the world. The Lord is guiding me to Christian blogs, books, web sites, podcasts, and even poetry; resources that I know will be a blessing to singles who desire marriage. I look forward to sharing it all with you. The page will also offer a venue for singles to share and encourage other singles!
I can not stress how important it is to be spiritually and emotionally healthy before walking down the aisle to become one with another. After only five months of marriage, we see the benefits of being whole before marriage. Couples who begin marriage with various kinds of baggage makes life more complicated than it has to be. A good marriage takes a lot of work and there is little room in a new marriage for old baggage.
God revealed to me that I had to get rid of mine. It was time to unpack my bags and deal with my issues head on. Unforgiveness, heartbreak, low self-esteem, debt, insecurities, and more, were all things I had to be delivered from. I had to totally rely on God for this.
Then, all of my baggage was replaced by the love and grace of God. He made me complete and better fit to fall in love and become a wife.
With this testimony I knew the name ”Love and Grace” would be a perfect fit for the page.
God bless you greatly and I look forward to more fellowship with you!
Love Candra