Fashion Magazine

Looking Back...What's the Tackiest Outfit You've Worn?

By Hpranitis @_thisandthat_
This past Sunday, while the boyfriend and I were watching My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding on TLC and an interesting conversation ensued...  What's the tackiest outfit either of us have every worn...?
If you've ever watched the show you know exactly how our conversation went.  I'm laughing as I type this.  Literally.  We like the drama.  Correction, we love the drama.  S and I love discussing the outfits, behavior, drama, etc.  Side note: we watch Myrtle Manor too!  It's one of our favorites.
The outfits on the show are over the top, purposely so.  The more bling the better. 
We both agreed that we would never wear something with that much bling.  Ever.
However, we did discuss what our "tackiest" outfit ever was.  There was a lot of smiling and laughter during this conversation. 
S's outfit, back in the Miami Vice days.  He wore a bright turquoise (we are talking almost neon) mesh shirt and a white linen blazer complete with matching white pants and shoes.  No socks of course (he adds this tidbit).

Looking Back...What's the Tackiest Outfit You've Worn?

{via here}

My outfit, dates back to my mid-twenties and mid 1990's.  Let's just say this was during my participation in the "club scene".  I wore a silver mesh barely there top with skin type pleather pants and sky high heels.  And to think I danced in this outfit as well!
Looking Back...What's the Tackiest Outfit You've Worn?

Anyhow, we all have outfits that we look "back on" now and think what were we thinking...  But, then again, we did look absolutely fabulous back in the day!  Too funny, I know.
So, what's the tackiest outfit you've even worn...?  Do tell.
Looking Back...What's the Tackiest Outfit You've Worn?

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