The day I took these photos it was 70 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT. I had the day off and it was just heavenly! I got my hair did, went thrift shopping, then had a "picnic" at Whole Foods. When Trevor comes home for a visit, I'm gonna pack up my new picnic basket (it fits wine bottles perfectly) and drag him to Golden Gardens. That is, if this weather sticks around!

I've been so bummed out this past year, but I'm finally feeling like myself again. My vitamin D & magnesium levels were low, so I'm fixing that with supplements and more time outside. My doctor also has me on a low dose of anti-depressants for heart palpitations. Scary right?? The doctor took one look at me, though, and was like "I can tell you, it's not your heart. It's anxiety." They did an EKG anyway and it was totally normal. I'll take anxiety over a heart problem any day! Now I need to focus on self-care.
Yoga & ExerciseSunshineVeggies & FruitMore laughing!
I'm hoping to be done with doctor visits for a while. It's Spring and it's time for adventure!