I'm baaaaaaack! Whoo boy, what a year it's been. For real, though, we're already half way through it! I've spent the past 7 months doing many things:
- Coming to terms with our new Reality Show Government-Listening to NPR obsessively- Changing jobs!- Buying a condo!- Building elaborate paper flower arrangements- Waiting for the NW winter to finally end
If you're not from Seattle, then you probably don't know that we had the wettest winter since the city started recording rainfall in 1895! As of February, we'd had more snow than Minneapolis. It was a dark winter, and needless to say, made it very hard to get outside for photos.
I thought I was going crazy in January, so I took a week to mope and then got myself started on some new projects. First off, I subscribed to Illustrator and turned some of my hand lettering into feminist greeting cards.
In April, I joined the team at Wayward, a brand new Exploration-centered store based here in Seattle. It's been an adventure, for sure, and a learning experience! I'm one of the shopkeepers, but I've also had the luck of going on a vintage buying trip with our assistant buyer. That's right, we also carry a bit of vintage fashion!
The past couple of months, I've also been working like mad on crepe paper flowers. I build each bloom by hand and use a Cameo or punches to make the leaves. It takes forever, but is so incredibly rewarding. If you're in Seattle, you can see some of my work at Beats & Bohos in Greenwood.