Are you converting gold with your own long tail keyword strategy?
Are you just wasting your time?
There was a time when bloggers and internet marketer were enjoying targeting the short keywords. With the time competition of such keywords increased.
So, webmasters started looking at the new type of keywords that we call long tail keywords.
The best thing which attracts bloggers to use long tail keyword is that most of the times have low competition.
If you are new to long tail keywords then you may feel it hard to find highly converting long tail keywords.
Today I am going to help you find long tail keywords for your blog.
Let`s start with the basics.
What are Long Tail Keywords:
Long tail keyword s are known as highly targeted search queries. Usually, such keywords have low competition, low search volume but high conversion rates.
You may ask that why to work for long tail keywords when search volume is really low. The reason is that they are highly targeted and also convert like hot cakes.
Who does not love a keyword with high conversion rate?
Long tail keywords specifically target the clear customer.
To utilize the power of long tail keywords, you have to understand the search queries.
Read More: Difference Between SEO Keywords and Queries?
For example; if a person is searching for "Price of Genesis WordPress themes" that means he is highly interested in buying Genesis WordPress theme. But if he is searching for WordPress themes then it is not clear that he actually wants to make a purchase or just looking for free theme or information.
The good thing here is that length of long tail keywords is not an issue anymore.
Why Long Tail Keywords are Important in SEO:
Have you ever checked your Google search console?
In search term, you will find that the most of the keywords you are ranking for are long tail.
Now just imagine if you rank for every long tail keyword and link that to your high converting landing page, you will end up making millions every month.
Now let`s talk about the benefits of Long Tail Keywords
Benefits of Long Tail keywords:
1) Low Competition:
The main reason why you will see low competition in LTK is that Long tail keywords are highly specific to a niche or business. It does not take much effort to rank for such keywords and you can grab more organic traffic.
With On-page SEO and backlinks you can easily rank for long tail keywords.
2) High Conversion rate:
If you understand the search terms in a better way then you can easily find the highly targeted long tail keywords for your blog. Just focus on the highly converting queries.
This will help you to generate highly qualified leads and improve content marketing results.
3) Optimize Semantic search:
Long tail keywords are the essential part of the semantic search. When you target the long tail keywords with the better-spoken question, you will easily boost traffic from mobile users.
Now it's the time to find long tail keywords for your blog or site.
How to find long tail keywords for your blog or site?
When looking for keywords for your next blog post, you should understand the importance and use of keywords.
Read More: LongTailPro Review - Find Profitable Niche Keywords
Prepare the list of keywords:
The very first thing that you need to do is to create of list of long tail keywords that you want to use. When searching for long tail keywords, never use Google Keyword Planner.
Use Google AutoComplete Suggestions:
Enter your keywords in Google search and write down the suggestion that Google shows you.
Copy Google related search suggestions:
At the end of the search page, you will find the related search suggestions. Note down all suggestions.
Read More: Find Popular Keywords Using Google Insight Search
Use Bing search:
Do the same steps for bing search also.
You may not find it easy to search and collect long tail keywords manually. I have already shared the tools to find long tail keywords. let`s learn what you need to do when you are searching for long tail keywords.
Remember: Never use Google Keyword planner to find long tail keyword
Now as you have collected all the keywords, time to filter the highly targeted long tail keywords and LSI keywords.
Only stick with the strongest keywords for your blog.
Now it`s time to write the high-quality pillar article around long tail keywords.
How to Write High-Quality content around long tail keywords
You may have so many long tail keywords for each target.
Here, I recommend you to use one page for each long tail keyword or you can use potential long tail keywords in your post.
Here is the example:

This example shows that you should manage your keywords according to the topic. This will help you naturally place long tail keywords in your blog.
Also, focus on internal linking for each page.
Final Words:
Now you know that how to discover long tail keywords. What are you waiting for? Take benefits of long tail keywords.
Create high-quality posts and ring authority to your blog. Also, keep an eye on your ranking and organic traffic. This will help you to easily discover more long tail keywords for your blog or site and improve SEO.
What are you doing to improve SEO of yoru blog or site? Are you using long tail keywords?
If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.
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