Fashion Magazine

Long Lasting Eyeshadow [REVIEW By Terry]


Long lasting eyeshadow [REVIEW By Terry]

Misty Rock #5 is the fourth from the left

Long lasting eyeshadow [REVIEW By Terry]
OUTER BEAUTYMy latest find at the beauty counter; By Terry Ombre Blackstar cream eyeshadow in "universally-most-flattering-colour" Misty Rock #5 (that is according to the By Terry representative at the counter at NK in Stockholm). This eyeshadow has a creamy texture and is ultra-glossy, and said to be extremely long lasting. For me nothing stays on during a day infront of the computer, so a primer is a must first. But after that, I must admit this stays on well and is extremely easy to apply in the morning all over the lid. (Yes only this, with three children there´s no time for applying three different shades, although I do know it´s supposed to be more than one colour:) By Terry is a sought after and hard to find brand, at least in Scandinavia. For the moment only NK in Stockholm carries a smaller amount of products from the brand. Luckily this can be bought online here and here
Long lasting eyeshadow [REVIEW By Terry]

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