Entertainment Magazine

Lonesome Limos: Lonesome Limos

Posted on the 10 February 2014 by Hctf @hctf
Lonesome Limos: Lonesome Limos

Guitarist Dave Miller (Brooklyn) and Tom Perona (Chicago) made a name for themselves in the avant-garde underground with their band Algernon. They join forces again in a new project: Lonesome Limos. They went in a the deep end for their self-titled debut EP using beats and samples along side their treated guitar musings. Opening track Replicator is pretty dark, but Your City's on Fire and Urban Penguin could find their to the turntables of left-field DJ's.

Avant-garde lovers can cut their teeth on Spigot, with its beeps and purrs and just a hint of old school jazz. The EP's closer Chrome Blackout sound like Sixties sci-fi tune - Dr. Who in a rave-up with the folks of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop.

Lonesome Limos is a self-released EP. Release date: February 17th.

  1. Replicator
  2. Your City's on Fire
  3. Spigot
  4. Urban Penguin
  5. Chrome Blackout

» davemillerguitar.wordpress.com
» tomperona.com

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