“The stories we love best do live in us forever, so whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.” J. K. Rowling
My trip to London 2012 ended on 13th August but I haven’t been able to finish writing about it, as immediately after I travelled to a mountainous village in the North of Greece where the internet connection is non-existent (yes, there are still places in my country where there is no internet). However, I still have a lot to tell you about the three weeks I spent there as a Samsung Mob!ler and I am going to do so for the next few days.

As you have probably understood by the introductory words of this article by J.K. Rowling and of course photos, one of the things I definitely have to tell you about is my visit to the Warner Bros Studios where the Harry Potter films were produced.

I may be too old to be a fun of Harry Potter films or books but the moment you enter the studios there is no way one is not enchanted by the magic world Rowling built in her books.

The tour in the studios begins with an introductory ‘documentary’ presented on screen by Rupert Grint, Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe who explain to the visitors how the films and the sets were built and how those ‘kids’ grew up in those studios ‘cause let’s not forget they were still kids when they started starring in what became one of the biggest hits in the film industry. Right after it the screen disappears and opens itself to the impressive doors of the Great Hall that let adults and children indulge into the magic world of Harry Potter. You will then be left to wander through the different halls where you can see the Gryffindor common room, the boys’ dormitory, Hagrid’s hut, Potion’s classroom and Professor Umbridge’s office at the Ministry of Magic.

After that you will enter the yard where you can see the Knight Bus, the Hogwarts Bridge.

Then it’s the turn of the Diagonal Alley where you will feel as if ‘walking’ in the film itself as all the small shops seen on screen are all there including the Scribbulus, the Ollivander‘s wand shop, the Mr Mullpepper’s Apothecary, the Wiseacre’s Wizarding Equipment store where, the Florian Fortescue’s ice cream shop and Madam Matkin’s store.

And last but not least the Hogwarts Castle and the models used to work on.

TIP 1: For your visit to the studios you need to pre-book here as no tickets are sold on site.
TIP 2: While queuing to enter the studios you will notice people working there holding packs of small booklets titled as Passports which are given to children to fill in as they go around the studios. If you have small children, a niece or nephew back home ask the staff to give you some and make sure you fill them in as you go around the studios and then pass them as a present to them. My 9-year-old godchild thinks that his Harry Potter Passport is the best present I brought him from London and has given it the best place in his bookcase among his collection of Harry Potter books dreaming of the day he will be able to visit the Warner Bros Studios himself!